Lazy Adventurer

Welcome to the rabbit-hole, but chase the rabbit at your own risk.

This will be a motley assortment of anything that doesn't fit in my head anymore. Enjoy or don't. At this point I don't care.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Talk less, smile more. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.

Talk less, smile more. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for.

Image result for talk less smile more

Talk less. Sage advice. I think a lot of people could benefit from talking less. This election has proven that time and time again.  Have you ever been in a classroom full of children where individual conversations coalesce into a cacophony of thunderous, exuberant, shouting? Quiet, thoughtful, meaningful, conversations become an impossibility. 

People want all things loud and in your face, all the time. You no longer get to have conversations on your own terms. Everyone must say something, and it must be louder than the next guys, for if it's not you lose. Even your "sheltered" social media can be deafening. Seemingly innocuous posts on Facebook can be in reality dark alleyways, laid by boisterous malcontents, intent on ambushing you with loud, contentious, diatribes that serve no real purpose.    

Talk less 

Maybe don't offer an opinion on everything. Maybe don't have an opinion on somethings. Do you walk around stark naked? Leave some things up to the imagination. What actually gets you up in arms? Does something actually make you angry, or do you gift your God-given powers of rage to random, unscrupulous individuals, who profit from it? The world was never meant to be this loud. Conversations used to be more organic. Turn the volume down, remove toxic individuals from your life, focus on the positive. 

Smile more 

Do you seek out the dog poop on the sidewalk of life? If you care about your soul, and sole (bottom of your shoe) then you avoid it when and where you can. Reading the news is a great example of an instance where we not only step in the dog poop, but vigorously rub it all over ourselves as well. Stay informed, don't get over informed. Smile. more. Seek out the small and simple things of life that make you smile. My children make me laugh more than any TV show, my wife makes me feel more love than any movie. A gas station hot dog has brought me more joy than the the results of the aforementioned elections. 

Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for

The world is a diverse place. Chances you've met someone who disagrees with you. Chances are you've driven by people on the street who vehemently disagree with you. Chances are the day is coming that you will come into contact with someone not only disagrees with you, but hates you for disagreeing. Scary no? It's not scary. You don't always need to be a crusader for every social injustice in existence. If you feel strongly about something then by all means preach, baby preach! Fight the good fight! Except...
You catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Chances are you can find more in common with people than you might think. Don't betray morals, ethics, values, or traditions in favor of capitulation or appeasement to the gods of political correctness. Instead create increased morals, ethics, values, and traditions by embracing commonality. To end this blog with a quote from Lincoln, 

Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?

By the way, Hamilton is overrated! 


  1. So good. Wish the people that drive me the craziest would take this advice, but of course, there's only one right way, everything is black or white, and they hold all the truth in the world exclusively.

    1. Next time you talk with these people notice how much more they talk than you. It takes two people to argue and the one who talks most is usually wrong
